sábado, 4 de abril de 2015


The Garden of the Hesperides is Iberia’s sacred dimension, once called Hesperia – “the West” in Greek, land of the “end of the world”, the place where the sun sets, the queendom of Hespera – Venus, the evening “star”.  Just as with the island of Avalon, these are reminiscences of a matriarchal, or matrifocal, golden age, of non-hierarchical, sustainable, peaceful and prosperous societies, which the patriarchal order obliterated from the world and our collective conscience. Continuing throughout millennia, and at a moment when our planet is at breaking point due to constant exploitation and disrespect, such dimensions are now opening to our awareness as beacons of hope. They show us possible pathways forward, and their inspiration and energy are once again available if our hearts are pure enough, that is to say, true and brave, to tap into them.

In England we can access the Otherworldly dimensions of the magical Isle of Avalon, where the Lady of Avalon and the Nine Morgens live, at Glastonbury, in Somerset. In Sintra, in Portugal at Praia das Maçãs or Apple Beach, there is another Otherworldly entry portal into the Garden of the Hesperides, where the Nine Wise Sisters of the West dwell. An Avalon and the Garden of the Hesperides – the Tradition of the Atlantic Arch event took place here on October 3rd, 4th and 5th 2014, at Senhora d’Azenha, World Art and Crafts Centre. Those who attended were able to witness the opening of the Praia das Maçãs portal and to feel the flow of energy from the enchanted Garden, which is reached through the doorway of our hearts.

At the beginning of this event, the Flame of the Garden of the Hesperides was lit by the ceremonial group, who included Priestesses of Avalon Kathy Jones, Luiza Frazão and Lieveke Volke; Hesperides Sisters Iris Lican and Amala Amélia, Priestess and Priest of Iberia Iranzu Gonazpi and Saucco de Trivia and Avalon Sisters Olga Porqueras and Aisha Axin. The lighting of the Flame of the Hesperides was followed by the uniting of the 4 elements of the Isle of Avalon with the 4 elements of the Golden Garden of the Hesperides in its Portuguese dimension. At this event, it was decided that the Senhora d’Azenha Centre, through its main representative Iris Lican, will be Guardian of the Flame of the Hesperides in the Portuguese territory and that this Flame will perpetually burn there. 


The Flame of the Hesperides Garden is thus united with the Flame of the Isle of Avalon, a dimension equally sustained by the energies of nine wise sisters, where the Feminine and the Goddess are worshipped. This Flame is a powerful catalyst for the intentions and projects that Kathy Jones perfectly synthesized in her MotherWorld vision, which aims to become a movement which transforms paradigms, is a creator of sustainability, flow and abundance in the world, replacing the patriarchal order with one in which Mother values are central.

The Motherworld vision and the work of change that it entails needs all of us - women and men, who are aware of the implications of this transformation and its potential to create sustainability, harmony and peace, in order to reverse the process of destruction in which we currently exist.
As a Universal Guardian of the Flame of the Garden of the Hesperides and the vessel for the return of this matrifocal dimension to our present-day consciousness, it is our intention that this Flame is put to the service of the MotherWorld vision and that it becomes an inspiration for our joint materialization of this idea.


Becoming a Guardian of this Flame means, therefore, much more than lighting it regularly and spreading it around us with the best of intentions from our heart. To be a Guardian of this Flame means first and foremost to be profoundly in tune with the vision of a society based on the values of the Mother and deeply rejecting the social model we currently live in, with its focus on competitiveness, hierarchy, separateness, subjection and conquest, greed and a profound disrespect for life and for the planet on which we depend.

Being a Guardian of the Flame of the Garden of the Hesperides is essentially a form of recognition and encouragement for the public work carried out by women and men who are a source of inspiration and transformation in today’s world. Anywhere in the world where women, and also men, gather and create cohesion, sisterhood, brotherhood, healing and empowerment toward the feminine and women, and all human beings, and cooperation – establishing egalitarian relationships, finding creative solutions for the protection and healing of the planet, weaving alternative and sustainable lifestyles, fostering creativity and artistic expression and incentivising a culture based on the principle of pleasure, there the Hesperides, the Nine Wise Sisters of the West, will distribute their gifts, their strength, power and protection.

To apply for Guardianship of the Flame of the Hesperides Garden, magnified by its union with the Flame of Avalon, please let us know about your work, the group of women with whom you meet and/or co-create a project, your alignment with the principles mentioned above, your desire to deepen the issues arising from the referred social models – patriarchal and matrifocal – your activism and your degree of social consciousness, your talent and your courage.

As a Guardian, you are given the right to spread this Flame around you to all those manifesting the will to have it, as well as the right to nominate other Guardians that seem, in your view, to meet the requirements for that same purpose, taking care to collect their testimonies so that we can all receive inspiration from them.

In the Love and Light of the Nine Wise Sisters of the West,
Luiza Frazão
October 16th 2014

E-mail for sending in your testimonies: jardimdashesperidestemplo@gmail.com

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